Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Computer - Almost reached 40K

My laptop broke recently.  I just got it replaced yesterday with a new MacBook Pro.  They're about a thousand dollars at my campus store, so overall not a terrible deal.  Especially when you count in the free printer and photoshop elements 9. 

It's taking me a while to get used to Lion, so much has changed since what I'm used to.  But it's a pretty sweet machine, here's hoping it lasts a few years. 

I got a bit of writing done yesterday, but my productivity suffered from angry birds.  Which is stupid because I'm about five hundred words away from breaking the 40K written for one book landmark.  Just ten thousand more and I'll have reached the minimum word count for a middlegrade novel.  Too bad it isn't halfway done, and it isn't really a middlegrade.  But it's nice to know that I could start wrapping up and it would be long enough.  It'd just suck.

I've written double what the first draft of this book was, but since it isn't done yet it doesn't feel like an accomplishment.  Now that I look back at it, considering the first draft a finished book really didn't count.  So I have yet to finish an actual book.  This makes me feel like I haven't gotten anything done in the past few years.  I've worked on several stories and books, but never finished anything.  It will be nice to have finally finished an actual book.

The main thing I've learned from this experience is that the most important part of being able to finish a book is increasing the amount one writes per hour.  If you can get more done in a day then your book will get done much faster.  Just ask Nathan.

Anyway, today I'm going to break that barrier, after getting some homework done.  I might go fishing, I'm not sure, I probably won't have time.

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