Which is why I find myself, up at midnight, having struggled with getting my files backed up so I can try and update my laptop. It's getting old, and cranky, and after having finder flicker on and off I decided it's time to update. And after spending most of the day backing up files (itunes was being a bitch), I finally find myself ready to start writing.
Overall things have been going well. I've got the first act planned, and ready to type up. Unfortunately my ADD is rearing its ugly head. But instead of boring you with a post about how I swear this time I'm going to write every day!, instead I'm just going to say, this book will be finished, if it kills me. I'm giving myself a week, two tops, then it will be done. And once that's done, it's time to plan my next book.
Since my writing is pretty dependent on my mood, I think it should be interesting to see how much I get done on any given day.
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